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Intonjane Training Institute

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Intonjane Training Institute participated in the Rotating Shelter with the Good Samaritan Ministry to educate community members about the history of Kwanzaa. Due to the ongoing COVI​D-19 pandemic, we have not been able to participate in the Rotating Shelter this year one of our mentees Ndada Janelle Dodds created the video below about the history of Kwanzaa. 

During the Coronavirus pandemic all meetings/gatherings have been adjusted and are no longer meeting in person.

Please contact the Director or send an email message for more detail regarding virtual options

-Congratulations to our 2021 Rites of Passage Candidates-


Ananda Greenwood   Jada Gardner Imani Polk | Courtney Young 

Rights of Passage and Mentoring Program for Girls 

Founded by Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony shortly after the inception of the male mentoring counterpart, Isuthu Training Institute, the Intonjane (In-tone-johnny) Training Institute, mentors young girls ages 6-17. These young ladies are taught how to transition from girlhood to womanhood through fun, educational forums, field trips, discussions and speakers. They receive one-on-one, and group, mentoring. The focus is on personal responsibility and community awareness. They cross over into womanhood at the completion of their senior year of high school through a Rites of Passage Ceremony.

Meetings are held the 1st and 2nd Saturday of the month during the school year from 2-4 p.m. Yvette Anderson is the Program Director.

Circles: Kirabo (ages 6-9) Sangoma (ages 10-13) NyaKoma (ages 14-17)

Christmas Activity - 2020

Apple Orchard Fun-2019

Annual Bake Sale

Girls in STEM

2018 Vision Boarding...

Kirabo - Sangoma - Nya Akoma Circles

Copyright © 2017 James E. Wadsworth, Jr. Community Center. All rights reserved.

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